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The ASP.NET Website and GDPR Data Subject Request processing

Last updated: July 17, 2018

GDPR DSR Processing Summary

The ASP.NET website provides value to the developer community by providing content contributed by website members, including forum posts, articles of the day, and hosting gallery reviews.

The ASP.NET website provides "in-product" General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Data Subject Request (DSR) processing for authenticated members to view, correct, object, export, and forget personal data.

The ASP.NET website also provides blogging space to bloggers, using the Orchard CMS platform. That hosting platform has provided the blogger the ability to self-serve DSR requests.

Data Subject to DSR Processing

The ASP.NET website stores content contributed by website members, including forums posts, articles of the day, and hosting gallery reviews. Additionally the ASP.NET website stores profile information supplied by website members.

Personal data stored includes your email address, avatar, name, location, occupation, interests, website address, blog address, Twitter username, bio, signature, public email, MSN IM, AOL IM, Yahoo IM, and ICQ, and login credentials.

Comments on blogs are unauthenticated and are therefore not subject to DSR processing, as there is no way to validate the author.

DSR Delete Interface Detail

The ASP.NET website uses both an internal website username/password and external oAuth accounts for authentication. As an authenticated ASP.NET website member, you can manage your external accounts, including removing the registered account as a login for the ASP.NET website, here: Note that this only removes the association between your ASP.NET username and the external account. Your ASP.NET website username and profile information will remain on the website.

You can request that your ASP.NET website profile be deleted by clicking the "Close my account" link here: Note that all of your personally identifying information will be removed. Your username will be changed to a non-identifying username in the format uid9999999.

You can request that your Microsoft Account be deleted here:

DSR Export Interface Detail

The ASP.NET website stores content contributed by website members, including forums posts, articles of the day, and hosting gallery reviews. Authenticated website members can both view and export content that they contributed. The export format is JSON.

The ASP.NET website provides "in-product" processing for authenticated members to View, Correct, and Export data, for Profile, Forums Posts, Hosting Gallery Reviews, and Articles of the Day, via the My Data page:

Authenticated website members can request that the ASP.NET website Forget them by requesting that their ASP.NET website profile be deleted by clicking the "Close my account" link here:

Links to Public Documentation

The following links explain the JSON data format and include details for how to import JSON-formatted data into SQL Server:

For any questions not covered in this document, please use the "ASP.NET Site Operations Help" link on the contact form at